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Game Overview:

Primordial Soup is a 2d puzzle game that is inside a petri dish. The Player chooses a primal microbe and competes with other microbes for dominance inside the petri dish.


 The Goal of the game is to be the only germ inside the petri dish. Trap and consume other germs by encircling them. Then, reproduce your germ with the nutrients you got from consuming.


WASDChange Gravity (W for up, A left, D right, and S down gravity). 

Left Click: On any player’s cell to duplicate. 

Holding Right Click: Slowing time, making bonds among player’s cells.  


At the start of the game, the Player chooses which microbe he wants to control. He can use WASD to manipulate gravity. If a player has enough nutrients, he can duplicate one of his cells by left-clicking. The player can form bonds with his microbe to consume other microbes inside the petri dish. While the Player is connecting one cell to another by holding right-click, time is also slowing down. The inside of the bond gets consumed and added to the nutrient bar.

Development Team:

Programmer, Technical Designer: Diego Gonzalez 

Project Manager, Game Designer: Oguz Bicer

Programmer, Feature Designer :   Pedro Augusto de Almeida Soares

2D Designer, UI Design: Aakash Kumar Bhagchandani 

UI Designer, HUD Designer: Vittal Gunja

Level Design, Audio Designer: Shichen Qian

*Game Design Document in the downloadable contents*

Link to Group Trello Board:

Link to Git History:

Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
AuthorsDapperPenguin, PCtzonoes, AakashBhagchandani, LEAsmodeus, QQQQQsc, Oguz Bicer


RPD_GDD_GT01_GD03PrimordialSoup.pdf 374 kB


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Nice piano sound effects, and very snappy.


Simple and clean art style. Must be fun to draw lines with my finger on iPad lol


Shake the soup well! I love the piano effects!