The concept

This game was concieved as a 3 week project for Programming class in term 1 of the Advanced Game Technologies program ath the Center for entartainment arts.

The initial idea was to have a physics based space game where the user would only be able to accelerate and rotate. Movement would be limited by a fuel reserve, to make levels more challenging. However the question, "What if the player had to go back as well?". This created the idea of the player picking something up and go back.

This turned the game into a resource management game. Asteroids are scattered all around and the player can destroy them to earn resources however decisions need to be made. Will you go too far and lose sight of yout base? Will you speed up to conserve oxygen? Will you brake to avoid that collision?


W - Accelerate 

AD - Rotate

S  - Brake

Left Mouse Or Space - Activate laser 

Mouse Scroll - Zoom 

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